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My Story

My interest in holistic healing transpired when I suddenly lost my sister  to suicide in 2016 and then navigated the traumatic birth of my first daughter less than a year later. I spent the next few years healing through many different modalities and experiences. My story was featured in my local newspaper, The Missourian, here.


Drawing on my own personal experience of loss and trauma, as well as years of professional exposure, my therapeutic support through any and all of life's transitions is always individualized, presence-and-mindfulness based, and trauma sensitive using a variety of individualized healing modalities.


I offer holistic healing support services with the intention to empower my clients to heal themselves by honoring their experience in all of it's pieces, the dark and the light, the good and the bad, the peaks and valleys in a safe and sacred space. My work is rooted in self awareness and self acceptance that lead us to a more authentic approach to life.


When we can find love and acceptance for ourselves we can more readily offer it out to the world, and who could say that we couldn't use more of that?!

"The healer you have been looking for is your own courage to know and love yourself completely"


Yung Pueblo

Image by Dollar Gill

What a Session  with Me Looks Like:

While my work is very unique and individualized, and may vary slightly, these are the general things to expect when working with me, as well as what sets me apart from other support services:

  • We may start with a consultation call to ensure that the work is for you or to answer any questions or concerns and then you will make an online OR in person appointment through my website.

  • My healing sessionss are uniquely blocked for 90 Minutes, unless otherwise stated, as this amount of time has shown to be the most effective for really getting to the roots of my client's needs and goals. We may not use all of the time, but it is reserved so that you have time to go as deep into the session as you desire without feeling rushed. 

  • During our session we will be focused on 8 foundational questions that will help guide us in the most effective modalities that will support and empower you in your healing process according to your goals.

  • We will conclude with providing any resources, suggestions to support your goals, and scheduling a follow up visit to continue your support

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